Saturday, August 29, 2009

Scavenger Hunt: 21-25

25. Animal with a segmented body
This lobster is an example of an animal that contains a segmented body. The segmented body of the lobster consists of a large cephalothorax (made up of 14 segments) and a moveable, muscular abdomen (composed of 7 segments).

24. Different Species in Same Family
This is a growing spider plant which displays different species within the same family. It may be difficult to see, but some leaves contain white lines while others do not. The ones with lines indicate a male while the ones without indicate a female.

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23. Predator
A predator is an organism that is hunting which feeds on its prey (the organism that is attacked). In this picture, a spider is making a web to catch insects to feed off of.

22. Population
A population is a group of organisms of the same species inhabiting a given area. There is an ant hill near by this piece of bread which contains groups of the same species of ants. This picture shows a population.

21. Commensalism
Commensalism is the relation between two different kinds of organisms when one receives benefits from the other without damaging it. This is a butterfly bush. Butterflies sometimes feed off this bush and the bush goes unchanged while benefitting the butterflies.

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